black and white bed linen

Produse Tradiționale Romanesti.

Bucurii din inima României, pentru toti!

Găsește bunătăți

Produse Tradiționale

Descoperiți bucuriile gustului românesc, cu produse inovative din grâu și porumb.

black and gray metal framed glass display counter
black and gray metal framed glass display counter
A large windmill structure is integrated into a building that houses a bakery. The windmill's blades are illuminated, contrasting against the dusk sky. The structure features brickwork and modern design elements, with signage for 'Wooden Bakery' visible near the entrance. The sky is cloudy, adding to the evening ambiance.
A large windmill structure is integrated into a building that houses a bakery. The windmill's blades are illuminated, contrasting against the dusk sky. The structure features brickwork and modern design elements, with signage for 'Wooden Bakery' visible near the entrance. The sky is cloudy, adding to the evening ambiance.
Pâine proaspătă

Bucurați-vă de aroma pâinii noastre.

Produse de patiserie

Delicii coapte cu dragoste și tradiție.

Produse tradiționale românești de calitate

De la brutărie la inovație, aducem bucurie românilor din țară și din diaspora.

A terracotta relief depicts a historical baking scene with a baker working in front of a traditional stone oven. The baker is holding a large wooden paddle, suggesting he is placing or removing bread. The relief is labeled with the word 'BAGER' and the year 'ANNO 1550', indicating its connection to a specific era of baking.
A terracotta relief depicts a historical baking scene with a baker working in front of a traditional stone oven. The baker is holding a large wooden paddle, suggesting he is placing or removing bread. The relief is labeled with the word 'BAGER' and the year 'ANNO 1550', indicating its connection to a specific era of baking.

Recenzii Clienți

Produse tradiționale și inovative, apreciate de clienți din întreaga țară.

Produsele de la Paineanoastra sunt delicioase și mereu proaspete. Recomand cu încredere!

Andrei Popescu
A baker wearing a white uniform and a red cap is carefully removing freshly baked bread from an industrial oven. The bread is displayed on a conveyor and appears golden brown with a dusting of flour on top. The setting is a commercial bakery with stainless steel equipment and machinery visible in the background.
A baker wearing a white uniform and a red cap is carefully removing freshly baked bread from an industrial oven. The bread is displayed on a conveyor and appears golden brown with a dusting of flour on top. The setting is a commercial bakery with stainless steel equipment and machinery visible in the background.


Am descoperit Paineanoastra și sunt impresionat de calitatea produselor. Mereu proaspete și gustoase, le recomand tuturor prietenilor mei!

The image depicts a traditional bakery storefront with a vintage wooden sign displaying the name 'Forno A Vapore Amedeo Giusti.' The shop is located on a quaint street with stone pavement and is set in a building with rustic yellow plaster walls. Inside the bakery, shelves are filled with various baked goods, and the interior is softly illuminated, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.
The image depicts a traditional bakery storefront with a vintage wooden sign displaying the name 'Forno A Vapore Amedeo Giusti.' The shop is located on a quaint street with stone pavement and is set in a building with rustic yellow plaster walls. Inside the bakery, shelves are filled with various baked goods, and the interior is softly illuminated, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.
Maria Ionescu

